The Kennedys

The Kennedys
Stephen, Angel, Caoimhe &Taylor

Donate to Liberty Baptist Minitries

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 1, 2010

Greetings Praying Friends,
Once again the Lord has brought to us another wonderful month. We have seen a mighty providing hand as the Lord gives us provision. We have traveled all summer through most of the New England states and some along the east coast. This November we have officially been full time on deputation for one year. In the past year we have traveled twenty-eight states, driven thirty-four thousand miles, and have visited nearly two
hundred churches. We have seen God’s wonderful grace and His provision in providing every need in our behalf. Deputation in the last year has increased our faith, prayer life, and our relationship with the Lord. Deputation has also strengthened our family and personal relationship with each other. Seeing God’s goodness on deputation makes me want to see how much more He will provide while we are serving Him on the mission field.
In our last letter we ask for everyone to help with providing a travel trailer for us to travel with more ease. Once again I can proclaim another answered prayer. The Lord
has provided for us a 25 foot 2004 Jay Feather. The travel trailer sleeps eight people and has all the accessories as a small size apartment. We are very thankful for the prayers and sacrifice of the saints in our behalf. Once again, seeing how well the Lord provides on deputation, I can’t wait to see how well He will provide on the mission field. Please continue praying in our behalf as we continue traveling and visiting churches to gain more support. This winter we will be traveling back west into Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Please pray for traveling mercies and good health on the road. One of t
he attacks of Satan to God’s people is toward the health and well being.

Serving in Christ’s name,

Stephen, Angel, Taylor, and Caoimhe Kennedy

Thursday, September 23, 2010

St. Patrick - Baptist

For centuries Roman Catholicism has laid to the supposition that Patrick of Ireland was a Roman Priest. However, over 100 years ago W.A. Jarell, much respected author and church historian, put into print what had been known by Baptists since the very beginning, that Patrick was not a Catholic Priest, but rather a Baptist Missionary. It is because of this much neglected fact that we put into print this material so that this present generation may know the truth and great heritage of this early Baptist Missionary to Ireland. So zealous were these historians of the 1800s and so spirited was their conviction to this that one wrote, "Rome's most audacious theft was when she seize bodily the Apostle Peter and mad him the putative head and founder of her system; but next to that brazen act stands her effrontery when she annexed the great missionary preacher of Ireland and enrolled him among her saints" (A short history of the Baptists {1907}, Henry C. Vedder, pg 71-72).

Most church historians agree that Patrick, originally named Succat (or Succathus) Patricus, was born sometime between the years 360 AD and 387 AD, probably near what is now Dumbarton, Scotland. It's also generally accepted by those knowledgeable of the subject that he lived to a well advanced ago, some placing him at over 100 years old at the time of his death.

Cathcart, the dean among the Baptist apologist, suggests that Patrick is not his name, but rather a title of honor meaning noble and illustrious and bestowed upon him by his grateful admirers (The Baptist Encyclopedia {1881}, by William Cathcart pg 886). His writings reveal that his father, Calpurnius, was a deacon in a Baptist church (we know that there were Baptist churches in British Isles as far back as AD 63, (History of the Welsh Baptist (1770) by J. Davis, pg 14), having apparently been converted to Christ while on a business trip to Rome as he also served as a Roman civil officer. In spite of being reared in a godly home and taught the ways of the Scriptures, Cathcart also states that the young Patrick was "....wild and wicked until his sixteenth year...." when while working on his father's farm, he and several others were seized and carried away captive by a band of pirates to Ireland, where he was sold into slavery to a petty cash Irish clan chieftain, For over five years he suffered the atrocities of slavery. Later, however he would recount that it was during this most dark period of his life that he, himself, was converted to Christ remembering the Christian training he had received from his godly father while but a child. Regarding this, W.A. Jarrel wrote over one hundred years ago,"....the truth which saved him when a youthful slave in pagan Ireland was taught him in godly home of his father" (Baptist Church Perpetuity or History {1894} W.A. Jarrel, pg 472).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Prayer Letter

September 1, 2010
Greetings praying friends,
We praise the Lord for another good month serving Him. In the past two months we have traveled through eight states and have been in more than thirty churches and meetings. Our support level has been at a standstill for the summer months. Summertime is a difficult time to raise support in relation that summer is a time for church families and pastors are busy with holidays, vacation bible schools, and camps. Although it may have been difficult, we have had no problems with helping in these ministries. Deputation isn’t what a missionary can get out of the church; it’s what the church can get out of the missionary. The Lord is very clear in His Word that a minister of the gospel of Christ is to be a servant to those in need.
Just recently we had the opportunity to help with missionary Stephen Brock, whom serves in Salem, MA, with his first church service. He has labored very hard for the last three months by knocking on 9,000 doors in the greater Salem area. As a result, the first service had in attendance nineteen people which resulted in two souls receiving Christ as their Savior. Salem has a reputation as being the witchcraft capital of the world. There are many witchcraft, Satan supporting, and demonic shops that specialize in magic potions and devil worshiping. Every year for Halloween downtown Salem is flooded with devil worshipers and a large group called “Satan’s Army” from all over the world. Halloween isn’t just a time for children to dress up and receive candy from neighbors. It’s a time that Satan shows his face every year in Salem, MA and worldwide. All this is happening right under our noses in America.
Also, we are still in need for donations for the travel trailer. We have a travel trailer waiting for us in Elkton, VA by some very good honest Christians. We have had a good response from the previous letter and are very thankful for those sacrifices. We are praying to have the travel trailer by the end of September. If anyone feels led to help, there is an account setup for us at our mission board (address at bottom). All donations through mission board are tax deductable.
Thank you all for your continue prayers and support in the effects of seeing the gospel reach the people of Ireland and now presently the people in America.

In Christ’s name,
Stephen, Angel, Taylor, & Caoimhe Kennedy

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th, 2010

We praise the Lord for another great celebration of our great country here in America. God has truly blessed this nation over the last two hundred years. There has never been a nation in world history that has done so much for the cause of Christ and the gospel. America is the only country that goes to war for the purpose of peace not to conquer land or people.
We have been in Franklin, PA for the holidays and I can honestly say that this town is a picture of America. It's a small town with small town values. Everyone know you and waves to say hello on the streets. Here is a 20 minute video of one of the best fireworks display I have seen in a long time. I hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

July, 2010

Greetings to all,
Praise the Lord for another wonderful two months He has brought our way. We have covered five states and have been in thirty churches and meetings. We have increased our support by bringing in four new supporting churches.

For the month of June we attended the annual missions school for Prayer Baptist Missions Intl held by Gateway Baptist Church of Boiling Springs, SC. There was a great turn out for the school with good preaching and teaching in preparation to better serve the Lord on the mission field.

For the summer months we will be spending much of our time in the New England states. We will be covering much of Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and New York. Your prayers for safety and may the Lord open the hearts and minds of the people for the cause of world wide missions are coveted. Also, we are in need of a travel trailer to pull behind our van. This travel trailer needs to be no more than 7,000 lbs in weight and road worthy. We are needing this trailer so we can cover more states and cities for the purpose of raising support quicker.

We praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy in providing our every need. Please keep us in your prayers that God will have His way and will in our deputation journey.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May Prayer Letter

May, 2010

Greetings to all,

I pray all is well in your dwelling in which you are reading this letter. Much has been happening with the Kennedy family in the last five months. As we had said in previous letters, the Lord saw fit for us to go into full-time deputation and continue our journey to the western parts of the United States. During this wonderful journey, we have seen our support increase dramatically (25%). Some, whom have been through similar journeys, told us when we get to the 50% mark then we are a the top of the hill and the rest is down hill from there. I pray that the hill is a steep one to go down. It seemed like a steep one going up and now we pray it’s steep going down. Deputation is some parts have been heartache but all in all it has been a wonderful blessing to see the God of this universe work in our behalf. He has sent people in our way to whom have showed us great mercies and blessings. There has not been one time where we have ever felt the Lord wasn’t there. He promised us in this Word, to those that are saved, that He will never leave us nor forsake us. We praise Him for that!
We are now in the process of working with Northwest Baptist Church in Londonderry, N. Ireland, pastored by Travis Snode, in getting our Visas. Travis is working on sponsoring us while we are in the country. It’s a long and tedious process so your prayers are in much need through this process. It will take time and money to see this through. POLITICS!
Angel and the kids are doing well. The kids are now working on finishing the school year out with their home schooling. Last week they just finished the achievement test with the ACE curriculum.
We praise the Lord for an answered prayer. In previous letters we had mentioned we were in need of a cargo trailer to pull behind our van. This trailer would make it easier and less crowded for our travels. Praise the Lord He provide us a trailer through my Uncle Dwayne in El Reno, OK. God provide the money through His people and God provide the person and trailer that we needed. God is good!
Please continue in prayer as we prepare for the mission field. Our goal, I’m confident the Lord will see us through, is to be on the field or making final departures in January of next year. Greater is he that hath believed but not have seen. That’s faith-promise.

Serving in Christ’s name,

Stephen, Angel, Taylor, and Caoimhe Kennedy

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

There are times in our lives as Christians we go through trials and tribulations that we may not understand at the present time. But, there will come a time when God will reveal his mighty hand at work. We had a one of those times in our personal lives.
On October 20th, 2008, after returning home from a meeting with Southwest Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, OK. We decided to take a short nap to help with the “jet lag” after flying into Atlanta. After the short nap, Angel and I started unpacking while Taylor and Coaimhe went outside to play with the neighbor kid. Within a short time Taylor come into the house crying and complaining of his left side was in a large amount of pain. He then explained that he and the neighbor were jumping from the bed of a parked pick-up in front of the house. The last jump Taylor didn’t make it all the way and caught his foot on the inside bed and fell straight down onto the street curb. With that, I thought at the most he had broken his rib on the left side. After much persuasion from Angel, we decided to take him to the local urgent care facility. The doctor quickly realized it wasn’t a minor broken or bruised rib but something much more serious. His paperwork was filed and faxed to the nearby hospital and we were strongly instructed to make our way to the emergency room.
Soon after we arrived at Henry Medical Center’s emergency room, the nurses made preparations for a CT scan. It didn’t take long for the CT scan and within 10 minutes the results were in and the doctor was in the room. The results from the doctor wasn’t good and the hospital had already called for an emergency Medi-flight helicopter to take Taylor to Children’s Hospital in Atlanta, GA for emergency survey to remove his left kidney that had been fractured in two pieces.
After much prayer and a very long prayer chain stretching from nation to nation all around this big world, the doctors noticed an unusual blood clog had formed between the two fractured pieces and the surgery was put off until further notice.
(refer to the picture above)
Children’s Hospital of Atlanta decided it would be best for us to stay in the hospital for at least a week for observation. During that week we stayed in constant prayer and communication with the team of doctors. A few more CT scan were performed and with every scan, the doctors were in unbelief, the kidney was improving. With all the improvements and a week long observation we were released to go home (with strict instructions of course). The doctors wanted to see his progress next year and with much pessimism informed us the kidney will be removed due to puberty. The doctors didn’t see much of a chance for full recovery when his hormones and blood pressure starts to increase as he is going puberty.
As the year was moving along we have made major changes in our lives. During the past year we have flown to the mission field and labored for two weeks, moved from our house into a conversion van to start our deputation full time. We have traveled from the east coast to the west coast and have been in nearly 250 churches presenting our desire to be in Ireland as missionaries. During the last year we were always in prayer and mindful of Taylor’s condition, but we knew we were in the center of God’s perfect will for our lives and fully trusted Him with everything.
On January 30th, 2010 another CT scan was done and the results were much different now! Are you ready?………The scan showed the same left kidney was now a fully functioning kidney and has restored itself to a full operational organ. 

A secondary opinion was made by using an ultrasound and again the ultrasound showed a good amount of blood flow throughout the kidney.
The reason for writing this letter was only to give the glory to a Trice Holy God that still has His hands in all affairs of man. God only wants the best for His children but at the same time God wants us to grow in His grace and His perfect will. One must be saying now, “But I love God and I’m in His perfect will for my life and all I have been seeing is trials and tribulations”. Psalms 46:10 says: “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Never forget that there is a God in Heaven that so loves the world that He gave His all so that we (weak and inferior) would spend eternity with Him in His majesty. It’s a promise and truth when the Lord tell his children that He will never leave thee nor forsake thee.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

God's Amazing Power!

As probably most knows that Taylor had an accident a year and half ago and split the left kidney in two!
He has done very well afterwards! The doctors told that it would not regenerate nor have a lot of blood flow in it! Eventually we would have to remove it! The kidney was being held together my a small blood clot!
Since have been on the road and doing more, he has complained of his back hurting and soreness! So when we were in El Reno, Ok. visiting family for the holiday, he was not feeling good and hurting so Steve took him to the hospital but they could look at him because of insurance being out of state!
We did the best for him and just watched him for a few days! We decided that would make him an appointment when we returned to Georgia!
We our next stop was Arizona! Steve has an aunt, cousin, and other family in Arizona! Steve wasn't sure whether to stop or not! It has been many years and it didn't know what it would be like! We stopped and he started talking to his cousin, Ronnie, and come find out that he is a CT, X ray, and Ultrasound tech!
Ronnie told to bring Taylor to the hospital where he works and he would scan Taylor for us!
(ready to shout yet, wait it gets better!)
The kidney is slowly growing back together and you can hardly see where the split is! There is a slight dent in the kidneybut there is blood flow! The kidney is about the same size as the other kidney and looking good!
We are so excited, he won't need it removed and every day the kidney is healing in a positive direction!
I am so glad we stopped to see family!!!!! Not only did we get Taylor scanned and not cost us a thing but we meet family that just loved us and took very good care of us for a week!
God is so good!

Another Blessing

Since we have been on the road full-time, we have seen many many blessings only God can bring. Today we received a blessing with a free oil change and Transmission tune-up with the great people at Transmission Dr. Plus in Bakersfield, CA. Go to my "Sponsor Link" to their website. Thank you to the fellows at Transmission Dr. Plus.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Greetings to all,

Thank you all for your prayers and support in our behalf. The deputation trial has brought much support and abundant love and care. In the last two months we have crossed seven states. Within those seven states we have had to opportunity to share the gospel with many people. The last two months we have been in twenty-four churches and I have preached the gospel in most of those. As a result of the meetings and door to door soul winning we have seen five souls come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
Every month we are seeing an increase in our monthly support. We give the Lord the glory for all He has provided. The children are adjusting well by maintaining all their home schooling studies while being on the road.
I must brag about a great group of God fearing Christians in Oalthe, CO. The church is made up of four families and no pastor. The church believes the only way for God to bless them and for them to grow is to support and love missionaries from all over the world. We were their first missionaries to come and now by their sacrifice these four families are supporting us for a monthly support. It’s these kind of people and churches that make America strong. The reason why we live in the greatest country of all the world is because of churches like this whom love God and God’s saints. They are small but God is much bigger than all our problems. He can reach down farther then we can reach and He can lift us up farther then we can lift ourselves. Thank you Lord for being such a great God!
Please continue in prayer and fasting as we continue in the battle for the cause of Christ. A wise old lady once told me, “people don’t walk close enough to the God these days to know your needs, you need to tell them your needs”. With that we do have needs while on the road. We are in need a of a box trailer, no longer than a 6X12 foot box. At this time we are traveling in a 1993 Chevy Conversion Van with all of our luggage and things tied down to the top and back door of the van. With the trailer we could eliminate a lot of clutter and space for easy travel. Also we are need of much prayer for safety while on the road. We have seen a large number of fatalities on the Highways and Byways in the last month. We thank the Lord for his Angels protecting us!

Once again, please do not forget us in your prayers and support. Our hearts desire is to be in Ireland laboring for our Wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ.

Serving in Christ’s name ,
Stephen, Angel, Taylor, and Caoimhe Kennedy